Writings on Christianity

Intro to the Christian Faith Week 1: Who is God?

Intro to the Christian Faith: Week 1 ‘Who is God’?

Our church plant Cross of Christ Fellowship has a started a 4 week ‘Intro to the Christian Faith’ meetup in downtown Naperville. The format is teaching with discussion.

We had a great time the first week, and here’s the content from our first week:

Week 1 Intro: Today we consider the question–Who is God?

The Christian believes that God exists and has revealed true things about Himself to humanity. True, though not comprehensive, knowledge about God is possible. This knowledge has been graciously given to us in order that we might know God, love Him, and experience joy in Him. Though there are many things we could tell you about God, here are 7 paradoxes to help you begin to fill in the picture about who God is:

7 Paradoxical Truths about God:

  1. God is Uncreated but the Creator of Everyone and Everything (Uncreated–Isaiah 43:10, 44:6, 45:5; Creator–Gen 1:1, Jeremiah 51:15)
  2. God is Everywhere, but distinct/separate from His creation (Everywhere–Jere 23:24; 2 Chronicles 6:18; Distinct– John 1:14; Gen 3:8; Ex 19:18-19)
  3. God is Unapproachable in His being (essence) yet revealed in actions and words (Unapproachable–1 Timothy 6:15-16; Revealed–John 1:18; Exodus 20:1)
  4. God is Utterly Self-Sufficient and Joyful (has not need of us) yet he is also Relational and delights in His Creation (Self-Sufficient–Acts 17:25; 1 Tim 6:15; Relational–Hosea 6:3; Zeph 3:17; John 17:3)
  5. God is Completely Pure, Just and Righteous (not clearing the guilty) but also Merciful, Gracious, and Loving (Pure/Just/Righteous–Ps 9:7-8; 33:5; Lev 19:2; Merciful/Gracious/Loving–Exodus 34:5-7; 1 John 4:10, 16)
  6. God is Ruler of everything and everyone (even history) yet gives his creatures dignity and choice (Ruler–Prov 16:33; Is 46:8-11; Matt 10:29;   Dignity/Choice– Gen 2:16-17; Deut 30:19)
  7. God is One being yet Three Persons: (God is One–Deut 6:4; 1 Tim 1:17; God is three persons– Father Son Holy Spirit (Matt 3:16-17; 28:19, 2 Cor 13:14)


Reflection Questions:

  1. Are any of these 7 paradoxical truths about God new to you?
  2. Do you have a hard time understanding any of these 7 paradoxical truths?
  3. How should these truths change the way we live and think about God?

By Tom Schmidt

Christian, husband of Rach, Church Planter,musician,

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