Writings on Christianity

A Meditation on Phil 2:1-4

Phil 2:1-4 is found in a section (Phil 1:27-2:18) where we believers are used to “live worthy of the gospel” (Phil 1:27). Paul desires the Philippians to live out their faith, and this meant living differently from the world around them. It is interesting to note how Paul does this. I believe he shows here […]

Writings on Christianity

A Transforming LOVE

In Phil 1:9 we learn of Paul’s prayer for the Philippians. He prayed that their “love would abound more and more in all knowledge and insight,” so that they would “be able to approve what was excellent.” What we see here is the transforming power of love in the life of a Christian. An abounding […]

Writings on Christianity

A Small Group Intro to Philippians

Introduction: Starting on September 22nd at Cross of Christ Fellowship, we will be going through the book of Philippians together as a church. This sermon series will take us through the end of 2019. To prepare for this series, tonight we will spend some time becoming more acquainted with the book. Philippians is a letter […]