Writings on Christianity

Waiting in Hope (Romans 8:18-25)

Here’s the sermon notes for “Waiting in Hope” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. You can listen to it here. Rom 8:18-25 “Waiting in Hope”  INTRO: Story of waiting 9 months for our visa.-All of us go through seasons or times or waiting.        -You are probably waiting for something in your life right […]

Writings on Christianity

3 Myths about Being a Christian Refuted (from Romans 8:18-25)

3 Myths Refuted (some thoughts from today’s sermon passage in Romans 8:18-25) 1. If I am a Christian I won’t have to suffer. FALSE. Actually, you will suffer in this life (Rom 8:18), but what is coming after this life makes it all worth. Our suffering is not worthy of comparing with what is coming, […]

Writings on Christianity

What does the Bible Teach about the Afterlife?

The Bible teaches that it is possible to know what will happen to humans after physical death. This is not a knowledge that can be learned through human reasoning or scientific inquiry or even through mere experience (our experience or the experience of others). Our knowledge about the afterlife of humans is a knowledge given […]

Writings on Christianity


Here’s my sermon notes for Romans 8:5-11, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. You can hear the audio here. Romans 8:5-11 “A Glorious Transfer”Intro: Imagine a poor woman, saddled with debt and difficulties, marries a prince. What happens? (I got the idea for this from Glen Scrivener and my wife also suggested the […]

Writings on Christianity


In Romans 8:5-11 Paul is giving Christians ANOTHER REASON to be assured of their salvation and glad in God. He’s already given us some reason for this earlier in Romans 8. We’ve seen that that because of the gospel there is NO CONDEMNATION for us (8:1)—this means there is now and forevermore no guilty verdict […]

Writings on Christianity

The Freedom we REALLY Need (Romans 8:2-4 Sermon Outline)

This past week I was privileged to preach on Romans 8:2-4 at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. Here’s my outline (you can listen to it here). Romans 8:2-4 “The Freedom We REALLY Need” INTRO:  Braveheart illustration: William Wallace shouting FREEDOM      -Our society also values freedom (voting, speech, religion, choice, travel, pursue our dreams, follow […]

Writings on Christianity

The Task of a Preacher

The task of a Christian preacher is not to entertain people but proclaim God’s Word. God’s Word tells us far more thrilling realities than any earthly excitements or titillating stories. It tells us about the glory of God, about the grace of God, about the love of God. It leads us to marvel at our […]

Writings on Christianity

Even Greater Work of Redemption (Thomas Brooks)

Thomas Brooks reminds us that while the work of Creation is glorious, but the work of redemption in the gospel is even more glorious: “If you compare the work of redemption with other great works, you must necessarily conclude that the work of redemption is a great work. The making of the world was a […]

Writings on Christianity

Stench of Our Rebellion

Here’s another song I wrote years ago. The Stench of our RebellionBy Tom Schmidt (2013) Raging again, lifting up our voices;Crying out, ‘Let us be free!’We’ll rid ourselves of His oppressive standards,We’ll do what we want, as we should. Building a place, where God is just an opinion;Setting the rules as we please.Everyone does what […]

Writings on Christianity

Where Our Greatest Battles in Ministry Begin

The greatest battles in ministry take place first within our own hearts. Everything flows from here: -Will I trust God in this perplexing situation? -Will I believe God’s Word when the culture around me tells me something else? -Will I harbor bitter thoughts or resentments toward someone I think has wronged me? -Will I chose […]