Writings on Christianity

A Biblical Theology of ANGER (Tsouloufis)

A Biblical Theology of Anger by Dan Tsouloufis Regarding a biblical definition of anger, one helpful definition is from Robert Jones in his book Uprooting Anger: “Anger is the whole person’s active response of negative moral judgment against a perceived evil.” A brief way to summarize anger is that it is a displeasure in our […]

Writings on Christianity

One Question to Ask Your Mormon Friend

Mormonism (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) is VERY different from historic, biblical Christianity. One simple question makes this plain. How Many Gods are There in All of Reality and All of Existence? Although Mormons call themselves Christians, and use many of the same terms as Christians (Jesus, God, Bible), the religion of the […]

Writings on Christianity

What does the Bible Teach about the Afterlife?

The Bible teaches that it is possible to know what will happen to humans after physical death. This is not a knowledge that can be learned through human reasoning or scientific inquiry or even through mere experience (our experience or the experience of others). Our knowledge about the afterlife of humans is a knowledge given […]

Writings on Christianity

Justice and Worldviews

Justice and Worldviews We are discussing justice this Saturday at our intellectual discussion group. We ALL long to see justice take place, to see evil punished and the right and good vindicated. We long to see the oppressed delivered and the enslaved set free. How does one explain these desires and the longing for justice? […]

Writings on Christianity

Ultimate Authority and Atheism

How do you view the question of ultimate authority? And what are the implications concerning other questions of reality? An ultimate authority is an authority that transcends all other authorities and is understood to have legitimate—not arbitrary—rights to govern and rule. As a Christian, I would argue that God is the ultimate authority of all […]

Writings on Christianity

Humor and the Gospel

As a Christian I recognize that humor is a gift from God, a God who Himself laughs (Ps 2:4). Humor is meant to be enjoyed and to build others up: it can be used to bring a person into the truth and bring joy and delight and healing. But there is something desperately, wrong with […]

Writings on Christianity

Worldview Beliefs that FAIL the TEST

In James N Anderson’s wonderful book “Why Should I Believe in Christianity?” he speaks a bit about the nature of worldviews and how we might test a worldview out. He says that there are 4 good tests for any worldview: Is it consistent within itself? Is it coherent within itself? Does it match with the […]

Writings on Christianity

False Views about Christian Epistemology

False Views about Christian Epistemology FALSE VIEWS about CHRISTIAN EPISTEMOLOGY: 1. Christians have BLIND faith. Christians have faith in Christ because we believe it to be reasonable, where the evidence leads, and as a result of God’s supernatural work in our hearts which has led us to trust in Him. 2. Christian faith is an […]

Writings on Christianity

Good Without God Follow Up

Good Without God Follow Up Here’s a follow up post on ‘Good without God’. The following is what I wrote in response to the time of our discussion together at Meetup and why all the proposed sources for moral knowledge from natualistic conception are unlivable:   Hey Everybody, Thanks again to all who came out […]

Writings on Christianity

Joy from 2 Contrasting Worldviews

Joy from 2 Contrasting Worldviews I find that comparing how Christianity understands a concept with another worldview to be rather illuminating. Here’s a recent compare and contrast with naturalism (atheism) on the topic of joy, along with the problem of consistency. JOY IN THE SCOPE OF HISTORY Christianity: Before there was a universe, there was […]