Writings on Christianity

Amy Carhmichael Quotes

Amy Carhmichael Quotes

Another book I read through this summer was a short biography by Iain Murray about Amy Carmichael. I had never read anything about her before, but was helped and encouraged reading through how God used her life. Murray’s biography was insightful in warning about the dangers of ‘hero worship’ of figures like Carmichael. Yes, we should be learn from them and be challenged, but they were sinners just like us in need of a savior.

Here’s a few quotes:

“Faithfulness in little things is a very great thing.”

“Never about to, always to do”

“Joy is not gush. Joy is not jolliness. Joy is perfect acquiescence in God’s will.”

“Let nothing be said about anyone unless it passes through the three sieves: Is it true? kind? necessary?”

“There may be weakness, compromise, lack of determination to keep the winning of souls to the front, the use of unconsecrated means, unsanctified ways of getting money, unconverted workers. There may be an absence of identification with the people for whose sake we are here, an unconscious aloofness not apostolic. Perhaps our love has cooled. Perhaps we know little of the power of the Holy Ghost, and hardly expect to see souls saved here and now, and are not broken down before the Lord because we see so few. God forgive us and make us more in earnest.”

“We are variously made. What rests one person wearies another. The great thing is to find what rests us most, what sends us back to our work most truly refreshed in body, soul and spirit”


By Tom Schmidt

Christian, husband of Rach, Church Planter,musician,

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