Writings on Christianity

The Conviction to Lead by Al Mohler

The Conviction to Lead by Al Mohler (Favorite Quotes)

I tend to spend more of my time reading books about theology and exegesis, but was given Al Mohler’s recent book on leadership “The Conviction to Lead” at T4G Conference. It was a great read and has encouraged me to lead with confidence and boldness, out of convictions based on God’s Word.

Here’s some of my favorite quotes:

“The aim of leadership is to lead followers continually into a deeper and more comprehensive love for what is most real, most true, most right, and most important” (48).

“The most faithful and effective pastors are those who are driven by deep and energizing convictions. Their preaching and teaching are fueled by their passionate beliefs and sense of calling” 54).

“If the leader’s main task is to lead by conviction, then the convictions must be more central and prominent than the leader’s personality.  If the personality looms larger than the convictions, alarms should go off, and they had better be heeded” (111).

“Leaders lead by definition, bu they also lead by management.  There are certain management tasks that cannot be delegated, or can only be delegated with adequate supervision and oversight” (117)

“Do not end your message without an action plan that fits the message” (130).

“Never apologize for having a message and for wanting that message to receive the widest possible coverage and exposure.  That is why you are leading.  You are the steward of beliefs and convictions that your organization represents and to which you have committed your life” (158).

For a fuller review of the book, check out my friend Joey’s post here.

By Tom Schmidt

Christian, husband of Rach, Church Planter,musician,

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