Writings on Christianity

John Piper’s Definition of Biblical Counseling

John Piper’s Definition of Biblical Counseling

Much of pastoral ministry involves biblical counseling. To aid in my pursuit of learning how to do this, I’ve begun reading a book called “Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling.” The book is written by respected evangelical authors who contribute to various topics, which all help a person understand and approach biblical counseling.

In the first chapter John Piper unpacks his definition of biblical counseling. I find it compelling and inspiring:  “biblical counseling is God-centered, Bible-saturated, emotionally-in-touch use of language to help people become God-besotted, Christ-exalting, joyfully self-forgetting lovers of people.”

What a wonderful task we have before us as ministers of the eternal gospel!  Surely it is a task that is greater than we can do on our own strength, and one that we need the Holy Spirit’s empowering and help.

Please pray that God helps me grow in the area of biblical counseling as I read through this book.

By Tom Schmidt

Christian, husband of Rach, Church Planter,musician,

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