Writings on Christianity

Apocalyptic Literature for Suburban Christians (Part 3)

Clinging to God in the Midst of Pain and Perplexity Daniel 8 is an apocalyptic vision of future events. The vision tells us of the rise of Persia followed by the rise of Greece and a future king that comes from Greece who causes great suffering for the people of God. This king—whom most commentators […]

Writings on Christianity

Apocalyptic Literature for Suburban Christians (Part 2)

A Glorious Hope (This post is a continuation of a previous post on Daniel 7, found here.) Along with the troubling fact there is also a glorious hope given to us in Daniel 7. The beastly nations and our own beastly nature do not have the final word. God, who is eternal and majestic and […]

Writings on Christianity

Apocalyptic Literature for Suburban Christians (Part 1)

Soccer games. Groceries. Working 70 hours a week. Trying to exercise and keep our houses in order. Driving children to endless activities. These are the concerns and rhythms for many of us in suburbia. The glories that grab our hearts are healthy children who do well in school, careers that are satisfying, and, somehow, accomplishing […]