Writings on Christianity


How do we find and experience true and lasting joy? What is the relationship between joy and questions about God? GOD: THE GOD OF EVERLASTING JOY The one true God—who made everything, who rules over everything, who orders all things—is a God of everlasting joy. Unlike us, God is uncreated and eternal. There never was […]

Writings on Christianity


Here’s a song I wrote a few years ago about how we’ve estranged ourselves from God. Estrangedby Tom Schmidt You are more than a pretty face,You are more than a nice smile,You are more than what say,Your worth’s not found in these things. You are more than a bank account,You are more than a career,You […]

Writings on Christianity

Self-Destructive Nature of Sin

In preaching through Habakkuk at Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church in Naperville, I was delighted to see a truth in one of the passages, which I had not thought of for a while. The truth is this: sin is self-destructive and no one can thwart God who is invincible. We see this in Habakkuk […]

Writings on Christianity

Knowing God Week 2 Discussion Guide

Knowing God Week 2 Discussion Guide KNOWING GOD MEETUP: A 3 WEEK INTRO TO THE CHRISTIAN FAITH—WEEK 2  Intro: This is a 3 Week introduction to the Christian Faith. We are using the concept of “Knowing God” as a way to explain and summarize what we as Christians believe. When I say, ‘what Christians believe,’ […]