Here’s my sermon notes for “The Goal of the Incarnation” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship on 12/24/2023.
ADVENT SERMON #4: ‘The GOAL of the Incarnation’ (Gal 4:5b)
Intro: As evangelical Christians we prize doctrine of justification; but even higher privilege of gospel: adoption
-JI PACKER: Adoption as the ‘highest privilege of the gospel’ (Packer)
-The goal or end result of the incarnation is that we might be adopted into God’s family!
–The doctrine of adoption is wonderful and transforming.
REVIEW Gal 4:4-5
-Week 1: Incarnation; Week 2: Hypostatic Union; Week 3: Redemption
-TODAY: Adoption!
–Definition: Adoption: God makes a person a child of God and brings them into His family.
M.S. The doctrine of adoption is wonderful and transforming!
1. The WONDERFUL Doctrine of adoption; 2. The TRANSFORMING Doctrine of Adoption.
The doctrine of adoption is truly wonderful, and we don’t think or ponder it enough.
-I know that is true for me, and I’m sure it’s true for you.
-SEE THE FLOW of Gal 4:4-5—4.5b’s statement about adoption is the climax of the passage
But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son,
born of woman, born under the law,
to redeem those who were under the law,
so that we might receive adoption as sons.
-Our passage is the climax of our passage: everything leads up to
-Our passage builds on the previous truths: if the previous things were not true, it would be impossible
-Our passage tells us the goal or reason for the incarnation: ADOPTION!
-We are presented with the gracious and kind heart of God: motivated to show us love.
-That We MIGHT Receive Adoption
–Inference: we’re not naturally or automatically children of God (Eph 2:1-3)
-It is false to assume we are all children of God.
-Possibility: This is what we might become!
-No matter how sinful you are, you can still experience God’s saving grace!
-God becomes our father
-John 1:12-13
-God does not die
-God does not sin
-God perfectly instructs
-God provides and protects
-We receive the privileges of being Sons of God
– Heirs with Christ: Romans 8:14-17
-Partakers of new heaves and new earth.
-We are recipients God’s fatherly love: John 17:23
-SHOCKING Degree and Kind of love!
-Better than sentimentalized: God’s love is gracious and infinite!
-GIFT of the Holy Spirit
-The Holy Spirit filled Jesus and He fills us
SUMMARY: The doctrine of adoption is truly wonderful!
-But it is also transforming…
1. If you are not a Christian, then believe in Christ and receive the sweet gift of adoption.
-God invites you into the heavenly family: Eph 2:11-12
-Believe in Jesus and not be justified, receive the sweet gift of adoption.
2 If you are a Christian, let the truth of adoption SHAPE your thinking and feeling:
The Doctrine of Adoption TRANSFORMS our Christian Life.
1 If I really KNEW that God was my Father…I would not think of Him as distant and uncaring. My Father loves me.
–1 John 3:1-2
2 If I really KNEW that God was my Father…I would not be bored with God or find him irrelevant. My Father satisfies.
-Psalm 16:11
3 If I really KNEW that God was my Father…I would trust Him with the details of life. My Father is in control.
-Romans 8:28
4 If I really KNEW that God was my Father…I would turn to Him more often in prayer. My Father answers prayer.
-Matt 7:7-11
5 If I really KNEW that God was my Father…I would be slower to give away to fear and panic. My Father protects me.
-Luke 12:4-7
6 If I really KNEW that God was my Father…I would doubt less God’s goodness. My Father uses trials.
-James 1:2-4
7 If I really KNEW that God was my Father…I would be motivated to pursue holiness. My Father calls me to be holy.
-Eph 5:1