5 Blessings of Joining a Church Plant
(An Encouragement to Consider Helping us Plant a New Church In Naperville)
If you live in the Naperville area and are a Christian, we would love for you to consider helping us plant a new gospel-centered church in downtown Naperville! Cross of Christ Fellowship is a new church being planted in downtown Naperville and we are currently building our initial congregation. We hope to find 40 committed adults who are ready to help us, by God’s grace, form a gospel-centered community that is committed to seeing Jesus glorified and the lost saved. Once this initial group is formed, the plan is to begin having services in a location in downtown Naperville.
Here’s 5 blessings of joining a church plant in Naperville:
1. See the lost come to Christ in Naperville. Statistics have that new church plants do a far better job of reaching the unchurched (C. Peter Wagner). If you join us, you will get to labor with us as we seek to reach out to unbelievers in Naperville–there are thousands in Naperville who have yet to come to know Jesus as their personal lord and savior.
2. See God glorified in Naperville. There is no one more wonderful or worthy of worship than God. A wonderful blessing of joining Cross of Christ Fellowship is that you will see God treasured here.
3. Lay the foundation for a new church. Have you ever realized that every church you’ve been a part of was planted by someone in the past? Joining Cross of Christ Fellowship will allow you be a part of ‘laying the foundation’ of a new congregation that we pray will influence generations to come.
4. Unique opportunity. Many of us are never presented with the opportunity to help a new church get started. Perhaps God has allowed you to live in such a location and time as this to help us start this work?
5. Use your gifts to help shape a new church. The needs and opportunities to serve and lead others are abounding in Cross of Christ Fellowship! Being part of a new congregation may afford you opportunities to use your gifts in ways that you haven’t been able to before.
I’m sure there are many more reasons, but those five are the first that come to my mind. So if you are new to the area–especially those who have moved here to attend North Central College or Wheaton College–or if you live in the area but are not connected with a local church, please consider joining Cross of Christ Fellowship: www.crossofchristfellowship.org
If you like to be in touch with someone from Cross of Christ Fellowship, please go here: http://www.crossofchristfellowship.org/contact/
(Cross of Christ Fellowship is a gospel-centered church part of the Acts 29 Network and the Southern Baptist Convention)