Recently I’ve been using a threefold prayer to help me in my prayer life. I think it’s pretty simple, but also really helpful. It is this, “Lord please REnew my mind, REvive my heart, and REorder my life.” This threefold prayer can be used as you pray over nearly any Scripture passage.
Let’s consider it with Psalm 23:1 “The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.”
REnew My Mind
God, your word is true and tells me the truth about reality. Please Renew my mind (Rom 12:1) with the truth of Psalm 23:1. Let my mind see the truth that I am not an autonomous being, but your creature and in need of your care. You are my shepherd, you the God of the universe. Your lead me and guide me and protect me from the wolves. You provide my needs so I am not in want. Let my mind be shaped by these categories. Let me think of you and myself in light of this reality.
REvive My Heart
Revive my heart O God (Ps 69:32, 71:20, 85:6). My heart has become cold again, and apathetic toward you. I’m like a beast toward you (Ps 73:22) and only care for my creature comforts and selfish ambitions. Revive my heart to see the glory that you are my shepherd who loves and cares for me. Open the eyes of my heart to revel in you and delight in you. Let my heart taste and see that you are good as my great shepherd who provides my needs.
REorder My Life
Reorder my life O God in accordance with this passage’s truth. Let me live as though you really are my shepherd and I your sheep. Let my life show that I live under Jesus the good shepherd. Let my mouth be filled with gratefulness and praise and thanksgiving, showing that I really do believe you provide my needs and I am not in want. Let your Holy Spirit fill me and lead me forward dear God.