Writings on Christianity

God the Uncreated One

“God the Uncreated One” is a worship song that not only rejoices in our great eternal God, but it also distinguishes Christianity from Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses. Here is a worship song that no Mormon or Jehovah Witness could sing and be faithful to the teachers of their religion.

We’re singing this one tomorrow at our church.

The theology in this beautiful hymn helps delight and worship our great God. There is no one like Him and He is unspeakably glorious and great!This biblical portrait of God as an Uncreated, unique, glorious being, truly sets historic biblical Christianity apart from the errors and distortions founds in the modern cults of Mormonism and Jehovah Witnesses.

Mormonism (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints): God the Father was once merely a human who through his obedience progressed to godhood—along with countless other gods in our universe. This god is certainly not the sole uncreated God, but is the creation of his father before him. (We too can become gods like him).

Jehovah Witnesses: Jesus is Michael the archangel, who is a created being. The only uncreated one is God the Father, whereas Christianity teaches there is one eternal uncreated God, who is eternally three persons (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)

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