Newest Members of Cross of Christ Fellowship: Gregor Family
I’d like to introduce you to the newest addition to the Cross of Christ Fellowship family: John and Aynsley Gregor! This is a wonderful couple and we are so thankful and blessed to have them on our core team as we seek to plant Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville.
I’ve asked them to give a brief bio:
John has lived in the area most of his life. He is native to Bolingbrook, graduated from Judson University (in Elgin), and then returned to the area after a short time in NYC when he and Aynsley were newlyweds. John works at DIAGEO, in Plainfield. Aynsley calls this area home, but her parents and siblings live Nashville, TN. John and Aynsley met at Judson University, have been married for 7 years and have 4 children: Jackson (6), Emmelia (4), Lillian (2) and Micah (6 months). They joined Redeemer Fellowship in 2010, and have served in a variety of ways over the past few years. Both of them agree that Redeemer Fellowship is a community of believers unlike any that they have experienced before.
John and Aynsley have decided to join Cross of Christ Fellowship (CCF) because they want to be a part of starting a new community that intentionally shares the gospel with nonbelievers, carries each other’s’ burdens, and encourages each member to lay down their lives for the sake of Christ and His Kingdom. They are excited about being a part of this new work because they want to see God create, in Naperville, a community that functions similarly to Redeemer and they want to see lives transformed by the good news of Jesus. Along with sharing in the vision of spreading the gospel through everyday interactions, they also have a deep desire to grow in their dependence on Jesus and to experience God’s provision in ways they can’t even begin to imagine.
1 reply on “Newest Members of Cross of Christ Fellowship: Gregor Family”
The Gregor family rocks! I’m so happy for you that such an awesome family has committed to join CCF in these early stages of the church plant. Praise God! It’s all in His good timing!