Writings on Christianity

Oh Entangling Entitlement

Oh entangling entitlement,Entangled
Self-pity’s closest friend,
Your line of reasoning is impeccable,
Your arguments have no end:

‘Of course I deserve this position!’
‘It’s only fair that I get that title!’
‘Any other result would be an injustice!’
‘Why shouldn’t I receive what ought to be mine!’

I’ve believed your words,
Judging all other paths as immoral;
Buckled into your flawless vision for the future,
Only your route will suffice.

 You’ve seduced me with your promises,
And now I’m alone with my dreams.
Ensnared and bitter, you never keep your word,
Even when I do get what ought to be for me.

I still swim in my discontent,
Long after the situation has passed,
Locked up in a dungeon of ungrateful emotions,
Entangled again by entitlement.

Photo Credit: rao.anirudh via Compfight cc

By Tom Schmidt

Christian, husband of Rach, Church Planter,musician,

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