The Beautiful Church and the More Beautiful Church
“He has made everything beautiful in its time.” (Ecc 3:11a)
The church is beautiful. Clothed in the righteousness of Jesus Christ, she bears the splendor the God-Man. Filled with the Holy Spirit, her members display love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Marked by love for each other, she exudes a striking brilliance of a love not from this world. Working together in unity, she goes out and proclaims the good news of God’s grace, feeds the poor, and seeks to meet the needs of the lowly and weak. Despite what her critics say, the church is truly beautiful.
Her beauty is real, but clouded with the remnants of her old way of life. Her members use tongues to give thanks, but also at times also to gossip, slander, and complain. There is rejoicing and delight in God in her sanctuary, but also a battle against covetousness with many hearts. Worship of the one true God occurs, but sadly at times and worthless idols crowd out pure devotion to God. There are wonderful seasons where the world is impacted for good by her words and works, but then also sadly neglected.
The Church is beautiful but a more beautiful Church is coming. Jesus will return and bring in the fullness of His kingdom, along with a majestic new heavens and new earth. Then the beautiful church will become the more beautiful church. All unbelief will cease and a full trust in God will remain. Lust and perverse desires will be replaced by a holy hungering for righteousness and for God Himself. Lies and deceits will disappear and God’s people will speak the truth—and only the truth—and always in love. Physical illness, pain, and darkness will give way to sinless glorified bodies, free from disease, death, and corruption.
This day will come and the glory of it put into perspective all the struggles and strife of this life (Rom 8:18). One day, the beautiful Church will become the more beautiful church.