Writings on Christianity

The Beautiful Church and the More Beautiful Church

The Beautiful Church and the More Beautiful Church “He has made everything beautiful in its time.” (Ecc 3:11a) The church is beautiful. Clothed in the righteousness of Jesus Christ, she bears the splendor the God-Man. Filled with the Holy Spirit, her members display love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Marked by […]

Writings on Christianity

Acts 23 Sermon Outline

Here’s my sermon audio and notes for my sermon on Acts 23, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship on 2/18/2024. “Paul before the Sanhedrin” Acts 22:30-23:35 Intro: A key to text to understanding book of Acts is Acts 1:8: ‘You will be my witnesses…”-This was the task of the church in the first century and […]

Writings on Christianity

Acts 1:6-11 “Church’s Mission”

Here’s the sermon notes from my sermon on Acts 1:6-11 “The Church’s Mission” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. “The Church’s Mission” Acts 1:6-11 Intro: Moon mission, space race.                       -What about us as Christians? Do we have a mission here on Earth?                     Part of faithfully following Jesus including being faithful […]

Writings on Christianity


Our church will be hosting a 9 A.M.(instead of our usual 10 A.M.) worship service on Sunday, Christmas Day, 25th in downtown Naperville (14 S Washington St). Details here.

Writings on Christianity

College Ministry at North Central College

Our church, Cross of Christ Fellowship, is located with walking distance of North Central College in downtown Naperville. We love connecting with and ministering to the students at North Central College. It has been a blessing to see the gospel bear fruit in their lives and have them take part in the life of our […]

Writings on Christianity


Writings on Christianity

The JOY & PAIN of Life in a Local Church

Any real relationship involves both joy and pain. To be in an actual friendship with another person means one gets to be actually known and loved; it means enjoyment of another and life together, including life’s sweetest moments. It is a JOY to be known and loved. But a real relationship also involves PAIN: there […]

Writings on Christianity

A Prayer for Sunday Morning Worship

O God, prepare my heart to worship you this morning at church. Help me to see the truth of who you are and approach you in light of this reality. You have no needs, but only a fullness that you lovingly share with me. You don’t require me to survive, but I desperately need you […]

Writings on Christianity

Cross of Christ Fellowship Year End Update and Stories

CROSS OF CHRIST FELLOWSHIP YEAR END UPDATE AND STORIES In case you missed it or are not signed up to our church plant newsletter, here’s the year end update and some stories. Thank you to all who regularly pray and give to the church plant. You are partners with us a huge help as we […]

Writings on Christianity

THE Good News

The Gospel is THE Good News I have been preaching through the book of Titus at our church, Cross of Christ Fellowship. It has been a joy and seems so relevant to us in this season of life and ministry. Lately, one thought has been coming to my mind, as I’ve been reflecting on the […]