Writings on Christianity

Paul’s Priorities & Ours (Romans 15:14-33 Outline)

Here’s an outline for a sermon I preached on Romans 15:14-33 at Cross of Christ Fellowship. Romans 15:14-33 “Paul’s Priorities and Ours” INTRO: Did you know that there are some restaurants where the servers are intentionally rude to their customers?      -Servers slam food on table, use vulgar language, make disparaging remarks, and intentionally try to […]

Writings on Christianity

Unity in the Church (Romans 14:13-23)

Here’s my sermon outline for “Unity in the Church” Part 2 based on Romans 14:13-23, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville.                                                         Romans 14:13-23 “Unity in the Church” Part 2Intro: Imagine a concert band of 100 people attempting to play ‘Star Spangled Banner’ together.        -What if: everyone had different […]

Writings on Christianity

Unity in the Church (Romans 14:1-12)

Here’s the sermon outline for my sermon on Romans 14:1-12 “Unity in the Church” Part 1, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville, Illinois on Oct 2, 2022. Romans 14:1-12 “Church Unity” (Part 1)INTRO: Is possible to have unity in the local church? What about with Christians who disagree with you on secondary issues?         […]

Writings on Christianity

God and Government (Romans 13:1-7)

Here’s my sermon outline for Romans 13:1-7 that I preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. You can listen to the audio here. Romans 13:1-7 “God and Government” Intro: Imagine our world today without any governing authorities or government in place. Would it be a nice place?        -No policeman, no organized fire departments, no […]

Writings on Christianity

CS Lewis on Justice (Our Move Away From a Retributive View)

C.S. Lewis made the interesting observation that there was a shift in how our culture viewed of justice. We have moved away from a traditional view of justice (retributive) to a “humanitarian” view of justice. He argued that such a move was misguided and very dangerous. In the end, it actually does away with justice […]

Writings on Christianity

Moo on Romans 13:1-7

I find Moo’s commentary on Romans 13:1-7 insightful. These are from his Romans Commentary: “Paul demands a “submission” to government: not strict and universal obedience. “Submission,” as we pointed out in the exegesis of v1, denotes a recognition of the place that God has given government in the ordering of the world. The Christian submits […]

Writings on Christianity

Overcoming Evil with Good (Rom 12:17-21)

Here’s the notes for my sermon on Romans 12:17-21 “Overcoming Evil with Good,” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. You can listen to the audio here.                     “Overcoming Evil with Good” Romans 12:17-21INTRO: 21 years ago, roommate getting phone call to turn on TV as I got ready for my class.                    […]

Writings on Christianity


How do we find and experience true and lasting joy? What is the relationship between joy and questions about God? GOD: THE GOD OF EVERLASTING JOY The one true God—who made everything, who rules over everything, who orders all things—is a God of everlasting joy. Unlike us, God is uncreated and eternal. There never was […]

Writings on Christianity

One Question to Ask Your Mormon Friend

Mormonism (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) is VERY different from historic, biblical Christianity. One simple question makes this plain. How Many Gods are There in All of Reality and All of Existence? Although Mormons call themselves Christians, and use many of the same terms as Christians (Jesus, God, Bible), the religion of the […]

Writings on Christianity

Calvin on ‘Blessing Those who Persecute Us’

“Bless those who persecute you, bless and do not curse them.” (Rom 12:14) How does a Christian do this? Calvin’s words are insightful: “Arduous is this, I admit, and wholly opposed to the nature of man; but there is nothing too arduous to be overcome by the power of God, which shall never be wanting […]