Writings on Christianity

Oh Pernicious People-Pleasing!

Oh Pernicious People-Pleasing, Ever-churning, anxiety-inducing, You lead me down paths of fear, For your name’s sake. You whisper questions that leave me doubting: ‘What will they think?’ ‘Can I really say that?’ A slave to the grins and grimaces of a stranger, You promise acceptance, but give me isolation. I am alone, unknown by all. […]

Writings on Christianity

Wheaton College MA Biblical Exegesis Degree

Wheaton College MA Biblical Exegesis Degree Are you looking at seminary programs or graduate degrees in Bible or theology?  Have you considered Wheaton College’s master of biblical exegesis degree?   This was the degree that I pursued from 2009-2012 (along with a master’s in historical and systematic theology). Before moving away from my job as a […]

Writings on Christianity

Sermon Manuscript: Prov 1:7–The Fear of the LORD

Sermon manuscript from my sermon at Redeemer Fellowship on 4/28/13 on the “Prov 1:7–The Fear of the LORD”  

Writings on Christianity

The Fear That Frees–The Fear of the LORD

The Fear that Frees—The Fear of the LORD Most things we fear paralyze and enslave us.  Fearing other people’s opinions makes us a slave to their responses and leaves us uncertain of our own worth, value, and ability to speak our mind.  Joining in with our culture’s fears (fear of not being beautiful, important, successful, […]

Writings on Christianity

O Selfless Christ

When my heart sinks into the muck and squalor of self-pity, what I need is a fresh view of my selfless Savior: O Selfless Christ You spoke the world into being: Every star and moon, Every animal and plant. Ruling in glory with the Father and the Spirit, One God in three persons, Infinite power, […]

Writings on Christianity

Oh Seductive Self-Pity

Oh Seductive Self-Pity You woo me with your claims: ‘I was overlooked!’ ‘I was mistreated!’ ‘I was wronged!’ Your logic is persuasive: ‘They should have known better!’ ‘It’s obvious I’m right!’ ‘I deserve to feel upset!’ Your view of reality intoxicates me: ‘I deserve better!’ ‘They should apologize!’ ‘They need to understand my pain and […]

Writings on Christianity

Jesus Among Exorcists

Jesus Among Exorcists In my last post, I considered the notion of exorcism in the 1st century Jewish mind.  In this post I’d like to consider the exorcistic ministry of Jesus.  It is acknowledged by scholars, that exorcism was an integral part of Jesus’ ministry.[1]  How does the Second Temple Jewish context illuminate our understanding […]

Writings on Christianity

Exorcism in the First Century Jewish Mind

To most today, talk of exorcism, demons, and spirits is the stuff of movies and antiquated religious notions.  How can anyone actually believe in these things?  The Bible presents a far different picture: we are physical and spiritual beings, and we live in a universe which is inhabited by spiritual beings known as demons and […]

Writings on Christianity

10 Key Issues to Cover In Your Church’s Prayer Meeting

10 Key Issues to Cover In Your Church’s Prayer Meeting Does your church have regular gatherings outside of the Sunday service where members can meet together and pray?  Our church does, and I had the privelege of leading our last gathering.  My pastor encouraged me to work through a little booklet called “Biblical Patterns for […]

Writings on Christianity

11 Questions That Expose Idols

11 Questions that Expose Idols Darrin Patrick has an excellent book for those entering vocational ministry called “Church Planter: The Man, The Message, The Mission.”  The book cover three main sections: (1) The Man–qualifications and qualities of those who seek to enter ministry; (2) The Message–the historical/redemptive gospel in all its glory and relevance; (3) […]