Writings on Christianity


  Rachel and I just returned from a wonderful time in the UK.  In additional to invaluable time spent with family and friends, we saw some beautiful English country side, like the one pictured above (though I cannot take credit for this picture, that goes to Luc B via Compfight). Highlights from the trip: 1. […]

Writings on Christianity

Bacon Butties

What I’m looking most forward to this year in Britain (besides seeing family and friends of course!):       image courtesy of:

Writings on Christianity

Basic Message of the Bible

Another question I answered on an application to a ministry position is worth repeating here: “A friend with limited Bible knowledge asks you to describe the basic message of the Bible.  What would you say?  Reference Scripture to support your summary statement.”  This is a great question to think through.  How would you respond?  Here’s […]

Writings on Christianity

My Conversion to Christianity

Recently, I filled out an application for a ministry position at church and one of the questions asked me to explain my conversion to Christianity. As I wrote my answer, it was encouraging to reflect on how God has been at work in my life–both in the past and in the  present.  God brought me […]

Writings on Christianity

My Blogging Introduction: Purposes

It has been over five years since I have blogged consistently. This is because I felt like I did not have much to say, and because I felt like I did not have the time.  I am not sure that I still have much to say, or have much time, but am glad to start […]