Church Planting

Church Plant Celebration 1/26: Cross of Christ Fellowship

Church Plant Celebration 1/26: Cross of Christ Fellowship

One of the challenges of planting a church is informing others about it.  How do we spread the word and get others on board with us to plant a church in Naperville?

One way we hope to do this is through a church plant celebration. A church plant celebration is an open-invite lunch followed by a short presentation. This Sunday, January 26th, we will be hosting a church plant celebration at our home church Redeemer Fellowship at 12:30 PM in St. Charles, IL.  We hope to  celebrate what we believe God is calling us to do through Cross of Christ Fellowship and inform others how they can join us.

We hope that many will come and get excited about church planting and that God will use this celebration to stir people’s hearts to join our church plant. If you live in the Chicagoland area, we would love to have you there.

By Tom Schmidt

Christian, husband of Rach, Church Planter,musician,

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