Tag: naperville
Here’s the notes from my sermon on Romans 5:12-14, that I preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church in Naperville, on 9/19/21. You can hear the sermon here. A Better Adam (Part 1): The 1st Adam and the Hope of Another (5:12-14) Intro: This week I saw something that my wife and my children […]
This Saturday, from 6-8, Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church in Naperville, is hosting Cookies & Carols. We’ll be meeting at the Old Stone Church (14 S Washington St.), which is where we host Sunday morning worship services. It will be an evening of singing carols, considering the meaning of Christmas, and eating cookies. We’ll […]
(I write this reflection mostly for my own heart, but hope others can be encouraged by it too. I think it’s something we who are Christians need to remind ourselves often as we live out our faith in Christ while living in suburbia. Especially the nice suburbs [like Naperville, where I live!]). We all Live […]
The Bible teaches us who God is and what He is like. To do this, it employs different images and metaphors to help us see more clearly the nature, character, and works of God. Some of these are easier for us to understand and relate to, but others are more difficult. Yet as Christians, we […]
An Open-air Sermon
On August 5, 2019 I preached an open-air sermon at our hymn sing in downtown Naperville. Here’s the text from it: Thank you for coming out tonight to our hymn sing. We call this a hymn sing, because it is not a concert, but an invitation for you to SING hymns with us in worship […]
“The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein.” (Ps 24:1) Sometimes when I walk around Naperville, I reflect on this verse. Every inch of Naperville belongs to the LORD: every tree, every animal, every person, everything. All of it is His, and rightfully so, for He is […]
CROSS OF CHRIST FELLOWSHIP YEAR END UPDATE AND STORIES In case you missed it or are not signed up to our church plant newsletter, here’s the year end update and some stories. Thank you to all who regularly pray and give to the church plant. You are partners with us a huge help as we […]
Martin Luther once said that, ‘All of Christian’s life is one of repentance.’ I think we could easily say that all of a Christian’s life is one of faith (note: I believe faith and repentance are essentially two sides of the same coin, true faith will show itself with repentance and true repentance will be […]