Writings on Christianity

Book of Romans Overview

Romans Wrap-Up: An Overview and Review of Paul’s Letter to the Church at Romeby Tom Schmidt Our church, Cross of Christ Fellowship, recently just completed a sermon series in the book of Romans. First sermon: 2/7/21 on Romans 1:1 (Midst of Covid; meeting at MMA Gym)Last sermon: 11/20/22 on Romans 16:25-27 (Post Covid; Back at […]

Writings on Christianity

A Better Adam (Romans 5:12-14)

Here’s the notes from my sermon on Romans 5:12-14, that I preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church in Naperville, on 9/19/21. You can hear the sermon here. A Better Adam (Part 1): The 1st Adam and the Hope of Another (5:12-14) Intro: This week I saw something that my wife and my children […]