Writings on Christianity


A thought from my time of preaching and studying Romans 9-11 at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. It is interesting to note that in a section (Romans 9-11) where God‘s ultimate sovereignty over the eternal destiny of every human is most forcefully stated (esp Rom 9:14-23), we also see one of the most clear […]

Writings on Christianity

Romans 9:14-29 Sermon Outline

This past weekend I preached on Romans 9:14-29 “God’s Unfailing Word: Part 2” at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. You can listen to the audio here. The main point is that God’s Word has not failed. But in this sermon I also addressed the topics of election, predestination, and double predestination–and it was Mother’s […]

Writings on Christianity

Romans 9:6-13 Sermon Outline “God’s Unfailing Promises”

Here’s my sermon outline for Romans 9:6-13, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville on 5/1/22. You can hear the audio here. “The Unfailing Promises of God” Romans 9:6-13 INTRO: Sometimes, from a human perspective, it looks like God’s Word has failed. It looks like God’s promise has failed        -Our own lives:                    Jere […]

Writings on Christianity

Overcoming Objections to Predestination (Machen)

Machen is helpful in thinking through objections to predestination. In one of his radio addresses, found in “Things Unseen,” he tells us what predestination does NOT mean: It does not mean…that God’s choice of some men for salvation while others are passed by is due to mere chance or that there is anything arbitrary about […]

Writings on Christianity

Romans 9 Chapel Message

Romans 9 Chapel Message Here’s a sermon I recently preached at Covenant Classical School in Naperville. The school is going through the book of Romans together and I got to preach on chapter 9! The chapel was made up of students kindergarten through high school. Romans 9 Covenant Classical School Chapel Message Students, teachers, administration, […]