Church Planting

3 Impossible Tasks for Church Planting in Naperville

3 Impossible Church Planting Tasks for Naperville

(I’ve shared some of this in our most recent newsletter, but here’s the extended version)

As we strive to plant a church in Naperville (Cross of Christ Fellowship), we are working on 3 seemingly impossible tasks. These pursuits are daunting and at times overwhelming, but we are encouraged that nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37) and that Jesus himself is the one who is building his church (Matt 16:18).photo(2)

Impossible Task # 1: Evangelism in Naperville

According to our statistics (taken from Southern Baptist demographic data), there are likely around 100,000 non-Christians in Naperville (a city of 140,000). To reach the lost here requires time, energy, prayer, boldness, and fellow-laborers. This month I had the privilege of participating in a local open mic night at venue called Miss Kitty’s Saloon. At the event, I played guitar and sang, while my friend Tim Smith accompanied me on percussion (to hear some of my songs, go here). We played music about Jesus and the gospel, and by God’s grace there were quite a few individuals who seemed to be very attentive and engaged. We pray that God uses that gospel proclamation to sow seeds of truth in people’s hearts. Also, after our performance, we were able to talk with some of the other musicians about God as well.  Please join in praying Eph 6:19 for us: for open doors to share the gospel and for boldness in our proclamation.

Impossible Task # 2: Building a Core Team of 40 Adults

We are hoping to find 40 adults who are willing to join us before we begin having a weekly public worship services. Rachel and I had the privilege of meeting with some of these persons this past month and we pray that God would build this core team up from some of them. Honestly, the prospect of finding 40 adults who are willing to sacrificially come and help us plant this church is intimidating, but we know that God will bring the right people to be a part of this work. Please pray that God raises up more laborers for the harvest (Luke 10:2).

Impossible Task #3: Raising Financial Support

Because a church plant does not yet have a body of people who tithe and provide the financial structure necessary to fund a salary and the cost of ministry (renting a space, sound system, evangelistic materials), church planters typically need to fund raise much of the initial costs.  We are hoping to find people who will give monthly to fund our initial costs while our church is planted and until it grows to the place where it can support a pastor’s salary and ministry expenses. If you or church become interested in partnering with Cross of Christ Fellowship financially (all gifts are tax-deductible), please let me know (email me at To partner with us financially, all you have to do is send your check made out to Redeemer Fellowship to: Redeemer Fellowship, 1125 Oak St., St. Charles, IL. 60174 (with a note indicating that you wish for the funds to go toward Cross of Christ Fellowship). Please consider supporting Cross of Christ Fellowship financially and pray that God provides for all of our needs as we raise support. Also, please pray that God gives me boldness and courage to undertake this task and contact various individuals.

By Tom Schmidt

Christian, husband of Rach, Church Planter,musician,

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