Here are the notes for my sermon on Acts 9:19-31 “Saul’s Initial Ministry” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville, Illinois.

“Saul’s Initial Ministry” Acts 9:19b-31
INTRO: Are there things in your life, you cannot do own your own—things you need help with?
-Car Issue, Plumbing, Electrical, Finances, Baking.
-Me: Replacing insulation and drywall for my garage; could not do it on my own; needed HELP!
-We need help as Christians: certainly from God, but also from each other
-We need help as we seek to live for Christ: wisdom, encouragement, instruction, rebuke, prayer.
-Those outside of Christ need help—the kind help only Jesus can give.
-In todays’ passage: Saul needed help and received help from other believers.
-Gospel Transforms Us: it gives us the help we need, and turns into people who lovingly help each other follow Jesus.
M.I.: If we want to see the gospel advance and God’s kingdom expand, we must help each other follow Jesus!
-Acts is about the establishment of God’s kingdom on Earth through the church, as God’s people—filled with the Holy Spirit and led by the
apostles—bear witness to Jesus and those called by God respond in saving faith.
-Saul, the persecutor of Christianityàconverted, called, baptized
-“Chosen instrument” of God who will preach the gospel (Acts 9:15)
–TODAY: We learn about Saul’s initial gospel ministry: a ministry of preaching and experiencing persecution.
–EMPHASIS in the text: Saul was HELPED by other Christians in ministry and life.
-God calls us to help each other follow Jesus.
*If we want to see the gospel advance and God’s kingdom expand, we must help each other follow Jesus!
1. Saul was helped by the Damascus Christians (19-25)
-Saul was helped by Christians at Damascus who welcomed him (19b): For some days he was with the disciples at Damascus.
-Remember context: Saul was a new Christian, came to Damascus to persecute Christians but converted on way
-Christians likely discipled Saul, fellowshipped with him, prayed with him, instructed him.
-New Christians especially need intentional and regular discipleship.
–QUESTION: Are you intentional in fellowship and discipling other Christians?
*If we want to see the gospel advance and God’s kingdom expand, we must help each other follow Jesus!
-Saul’s initial preaching ministry (20-22)
-Saul proclaimed Christ! (20)
–“immediately:” he didn’t wait for years, but faithfully began preaching very early
-Content: “He is the Son of God”
-Jesus God the Son, the eternal Son who became a human
-This view certainly contrasted Judaism
-Crowd was amazed and Saul is growing in strength (21-22)
-Amazement at Saul’s message (21)
-It is astonishing the change that Jesus makes.
-Same is true today: Jesus transforms us.
-Saul grows (22)
–“increased in strength”àspiritual power, strength in preaching and ministry
-Strength Increase Explained: “confounded the Jews…by proving Jesus was the Christ”
–APP: There is a place for persuading/argumentation in evangelism
-Saul Persecuted (23-24) 23 When many days had passed, the Jews plotted to kill him, 24 but their plot became known to Saul. They were watching the gates day and night in order to kill him,
-Plots to kill Saul… “watching the gates day and night in order to kill him”
-It was looking very dangerous and perilous for Saul. -How would he escape? Where would HELP come from?
-Damascus Christians Help Saul & Save His Life (24-25)
25 but his disciples took him by night and let him down through an opening in the wall, lowering him in a basket.
-Damascus Christians come up with a creative solution to save Saul: sneaking out in basket, lowered from wall
-God helped Saul through the Damascus Christians.
-It is good and right to help each other, and God often helps in this way
-Gal 6:10
*If we want to see the gospel advance and God’s kingdom expand, we must help each other follow Jesus!
2. Saul was Helped by Barnabas (26-27)
Saul’s whole time in Damascus was about 3 years—including some time spent in Arabia—now he heads to Jerusalem (26a).
-PROBLEM: The Christians there are suspicious of Saul (26b)
-HOW can Saul prove that he really is a genuine Christian, now a spy seeking to infiltrate the Church?
-Saul was helped by Barnabas (27)
-Barnabas speaks up for Saul, and helps prove Saul’s authenticity –QUESTION: How might you and I be more like Barnabas?
-Some are uniquely gifted to help others in church (1 Cor 12:28)
-We all can help each other by prayer (2 Cor 1:11)
-Come out to tonight’s prayer meeting.
*If we want to see the gospel advance and God’s kingdom expand, we must help each other follow Jesus!
3. Saul was Helped by the Jerusalem Christians (28-30)
–Saul preached in Jerusalem (28-29a)
-Last time he was there, things were very different: Acts 9:1-2
-Saul’s life was in danger (29b)
-This is a frequent happening for Saul, and something the Lord said would happen (Acts 9:16)
HOW WOULD SAUL BE HELPED?à through other Believers (30)
-Jerusalem Christians help him escape and head to safety
*If we want to see the gospel advance and God’s kingdom expand, we must help each other follow Jesus!
GOSPEL TRANSFORMS US—We receive the Help we Need and Become Loving People who Help Others!
1 God is a generous, loving, holy God who made us to know and love Him.
-He alone has no need of help
-He in love is interested in helping us, His Creation, to know Him and flourish.
2 We ALL have sinned and turned away from God: Turn inward, selfish, unconcerned with God and others.
-We are in desperate need of help: Matthew 9:36
-We don’t even recognize how bad things are.
3 God Himself Gives us the Help We need to be Right With God in Jesus Christ
-He lived a perfect life in our place
-He revealed the truth about God
-He gave his life for our sins
-He died and rose again, giving us the kind of help we need!
4 We receive this help through faith in Jesus Christ
-Eph 2:8-10
-We come to Jesus, the only one who can help us and make us right with God again.
5. TODAY, We Continue to Experience God’s Help and We seek to Help others.
-We experience God’s help to follow Jesus: Romans 8:26; Hebrews 2:18
-Christians help other Christians follow Jesus
-Christians help non-Christians come to know Jesus
*If we want to see the gospel advance and God’s kingdom expand, we must help each other follow Jesus!
CONCLUSION: A Summary of Church (READ 31)
This is what commentators called a ‘summary statement’ in Acts, where Luke summarizes where things are at.
-Church has grown (Judea, Galilee, Samaria)
-Church has peace
-Church is being built up
-Believers are “walking in the fear of the Lord”
-Believers are experiencing “comfort of the Holy Spirit”
-Church is growing: multiplied!
May the LORD grant us the grace to experience this, and may we live out our new identity in Christ: agents of love who help each other follow Jesus.