Writings on Christianity

One Last Look at Acts

It was a great privilege to preach the book of Acts at Cross of Christ Fellowship. This weekend I preached ‘One Last Look at Acts’ that sought to summarize and restate some of the truths we learned while in the book. Here’s the audio and notes: One LAST LOOK AT ACTS (4/7/24) INTRO: We just […]

Writings on Christianity

Acts 9:19-31 Sermon (“Saul’s Initial Ministry”)

Here are the notes for my sermon on Acts 9:19-31 “Saul’s Initial Ministry” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville, Illinois.                                                         “Saul’s Initial Ministry” Acts 9:19b-31 INTRO: Are there things in your life, you cannot do own your own—things you need help with?-Car Issue, Plumbing, Electrical, Finances, Baking.   -Me: […]

Writings on Christianity

Acts 4:32-5:16 Sermon Outline

Here’s the notes for my sermon on Acts 4:32-5:16 “Great Works of God” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. You can find the audio here. “Great Works of God” (Acts 4:32-5:16) INTRO: Much of the Christian life, is what we would consider ordinary seasons of God’s grace in our lives.        -God sustains us, […]

Writings on Christianity

Acts (Melodic Line)

An expository preaching principle championed in Simeon Trust is known as the “melodic line.” Just as pieces of music have a main theme or melodic idea that brings unity to them, so do books of the Bible. By recognizing a book’s melodic line, you can better grasp its message and how the different parts of […]