Writings on Christianity

What is the GOOD Life? A Christian Reflection

What is the good life? What is a life well lived? How does our worldview shape and inform how we understand this question? I believe we all seek to answer the question in someway—if not overtly, then through how we live, spend our time and money, hope and hate particular things, and how we consider […]

Writings on Christianity

An Invitation to an Agnostic Friend

Dear Friend, You rightly recognize the audacious claims of Christians and others who assert they possession knowledge of ultimate reality and God. (It is a bold statement to claim such knowledge about God and reality.) You also rightly recognize that competing statements about God (Jesus is God and Jesus is not God for instance) cannot […]

Writings on Christianity

An Invitation to My Agnostic Friends

An Invitation to My Agnostic Friends A Word, as a Christian, to my AGNOSTIC friends about Knowledge, and an invitation to the one who gives us true and certain knowledge: You rightly recognize the audacious claims of those who assert they possession knowledge of ultimate reality and God. (It is a bold statement to claim […]