Writings on Christianity


KEY THEOLOGICAL TERMS FROM ADVENT 2024 GAL 4:4-5 SERMONS Galatians 4:4 “But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.” Each week of my Advent sermon series […]

Writings on Christianity

The WHY of the Incarnation: Advent Sermon

Here my sermon notes for “The WHY of the Incarnation,” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. ADVENT WEEK 3: Gal 4:5a: “The WONDER of our REDEMPTION” Intro: Friend visits and leaves; Possible to know why he came?      -If tells you while he is there; If he sends messages beforehand; If he leaves record […]

Writings on Christianity


Here are the sermon notes for my Advent sermon preached on Gal 4:4-5 at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. Advent 2023 WEEK 1: The Wonder of the Incarnation (Gal 4:4-5) INTRO: What are you most looking forward to this Christmas? Presents? Food? Family? Time off?        -For Christians, the greatest wonder of Christmas is the […]

Writings on Christianity

The WHY of the Incarnation

Here’s my outline for “The WHY of the Incarnation,” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship on 12/18/22. Phil 2:8 “The WHY of the Incarnation” Intro: 2 year-old persistently (and annoying) asking WHY?      -Sometimes asking why is helpful: Why car make that noise? Why are neighbors taking the trash out?                   -Some WHY questions changes us: […]

Writings on Christianity

Edwards on the Incarnation

Here’s a few help insightful from Jonathan Edwards on the incarnation. Found in here. Jonathan Edwards on why the incarnation was needed:1. Human law needed to be obeyed2. Human sin needed to be punished3. Human realm (world) was the place salvation needed to take place. Why the incarnation?“Christ became incarnate, or, which is the same, […]

Writings on Christianity

The FACT of the Incarnation

Here’s my sermon notes for “The FACT of the Incarnation” (Phil 2:6-7) preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. You can listen to it here. Phil 2:5-7 “The FACT of the INCARNATION” Intro: Suppose a neighbor or co-worker asked you, ‘What do Christians believe about Christmas?’        -What’s the best text you can take them […]

Writings on Christianity

Jesus is TRULY God

This weekend I preached a sermon on John 1:14 at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. Below is the outline. You can listen to the audio on our sermon page. John 1:14 “The WORD… who is GOD” INTRO: If someone you asked to explain what Christians believe about Christmas, using only one verse from the […]