Writings on Christianity

Praise God the Son! Eph 1:7-12 Sermon Outline

Here’s the audio and notes for my sermon “Praise God the Son!” based on Ephesians 1:7-12 preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship on 9/15/2024.  “Praise God the Son!” Eph 1:7-12Intro: It would have been really hard to live as a Christian in Ephesus in the 1st Century.-Temple of Artemis; social pressures; allurements of the city; […]

Writings on Christianity

Praise God the Father (Eph 1:1-6 Sermon Outline)

Here’s the audio and notes for my sermon “Praise God the Father” based on Eph 1:1-6, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship. Ephesians 1:1-6: “Praise God the Father!”Intro: As Christians we are tempted with situations and actions that clearly will ruin us: adultery, theft, rage, drunkenness–More subtle and insidious temptation: finding the things of this […]

Writings on Christianity

5 Principles for Married Couples (Tsouloufis)

Here’s a post by my friend Dan Tsouloufis. 5 PRINCIPLES FOR MARRIED COUPLES Below are 5 principles for married or engaged couples to contemplate and commit to.  First, the primary goal of marriage isn’t to be happy (although we of course desire happiness), but it’s to honor the Lord in our marriage covenant. Honoring the Lord […]

Writings on Christianity

Wonderful Redemption: Zephaniah 3:9-20 Sermon Outline

Here’s the audio and notes for my sermon “Wonderful Redemption” from Zephaniah 3:9-20 preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship. Zeph 3:9-20 “WONDERFUL Redemption”INTRO: Wrote Song for proposal; Song expressed the depth of love & emotion; Our God SINGS over us!!     M.I.: God’s redemption is more wonderful than we imagine AND more relevant than we realize.CONTEXT: […]

Writings on Christianity

Preaching Zephaniah

In August 2024 I had the pleasure of preaching through Zephaniah at Cross of Christ Fellowship. Here are the audio files for those interested: 1. Zephaniah 1-2:3 “The Wrath of God” 2. Zephaniah 2:4-3:8 “Wrath and Redemption” 3. Zephaniah 3:9-20 “Wonderful Redemption”

Writings on Christianity

College Bible Study in NAPERVILLE (Thurs 12-1)

Are you a college student in Naperville? Interested in being part of a weekly Bible study in downtown Naperville with us? Cross of Christ Fellowship is hosting a weekly Bible Study in the Gospel of Mark for college students in Naperville on Thursdays 12-1 at Sweetwaters Coffee. If you know any NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE students […]

Writings on Christianity

Wrath & Redemption (Zeph 2:4-3:8 SERMON)

Here’s the audio and notes for my sermon “Wrath & Redemption” based on Zephaniah 2:4-3:8 preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in August 2024.                                                 Zeph 2:3-3:8 “Wrath and Redemption”Intro: Friend who only spoke about God’s wrath; 2 errors—not mentioning it; only mentioning it. Bible=God of wrath & redemption!        M.I. Because our […]

Writings on Christianity

How to Stay a Christian in College

Writings on Christianity

2 Ways We Can Misspeak about God

There are many right and wrong ways to speak about God, but in this post I want to mention two of them in relation to God’s judgment upon sin. While one error is far more common than the other, we must avoid them both. 1 We Misspeak about God when we ONLY Speak about God’s […]

Writings on Christianity

The Wrath of God (Zeph 1-2:3 Sermon Outline)

Here’s the audio and note for my sermon “The Wrath of God” (Zephaniah 1-2:3) preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. ZEPHANIAH 1-2:3 “The Wrath of God”Intro: Today we are going to consider the weighty topic of the wrath of God—God’s holy, righteous anger toward sin and evil. -This is not a light-hearted, easy, practical […]