Here’s the outline for my sermon Romans 8–a review sermon–preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. You can listen to the audio here.

One More Look at Romans 8 (4/10/2022)
INTRO: It has been a privilege to preach through Romans and I’ve enjoyed our time in Romans 8 these past 3 months.
-Today is our 39th sermon in Romans and our 11th sermon in Romans 8
-Before we leave Romans 8 and begin Romans 9-11, we will have one last look at Romans 8
-Today is a REVIEW sermon, remembering and reflecting on what we have learned.
–Hope: See some connections from whole chapter and follow flow of text
-First, I am going to attempt to recite the chapter to you.
*RECITE ROMANS 8 (Don’t try to follow along, just listen to the Word of God spoken)
*Structure of Romans 8:
1. Beholding the WONDERFUL Results of the Gospel (1-17)
2. Recognizing that this Life is a WAITING Life for the Christian (18-30)
3. Allowing the WONDERFUL Results of the Gospel Lead to us into Worship (31-39)
1. Beholding the WONDERFUL Results of the Gospel (1-17)
Because of what God has done for us in the gospel, these things are true:
1. There is no condemnation for the Christian (1)
2. We have been set free from the power and penalty of sin (2-4)
3. We have a new life in the Holy Spirit (5-13)
4. We are children of God (14-17)
What things most deeply shape and define your identity? (Appearance, Intelligence, Wealth, job, success)?
-A Christian’s most deepest identity is being a Christian—this is FIRST before all
(Memory of learning this as a new Christian in college; continue to learn as I grow)
-As Christians we have a wonderful new identity, graciously given to us through the gospel.
-Let these truth seep into the depths of your soul
-These truths are more true than other people’s opinions or our own opinions
How does this passage teach us to view the state of those outside of Christ?
-If this wonderful reality is true for the believer, then it is not true for the unbeliever.
-Result of sin: condemned before God; under power & penalty of sin; enemy of God; child of wrath.
-Consider how Jesus brought about a salvation for you, if you come to him in faith:
-Freedom from condemnation
-Freedom from the power and penalty of sin
-New life through the Holy Spirit, bringing life and peace
-Brought into the family of God.
2. This Life is a WAITING Life for the Christian (18-30)
In this life we will suffer, but glory is coming.
This life is a WAITING life, but God support us as we wait.
-AND, God has a purpose in this time: He is calling a people to Himself, out of darkness and into the light.
1. This life is a WAITING Life (18-25)
-Creation waits and groans
-Christians wait and groans
2. God provides Support for Christians While We Wait (26-30)
-Holy Spirit Help us in our weakness (26-27)
-God works ALL things together for our good (28)
-From beginning to end God brings about our salvation (29-30)
-In this life, we will suffer, we will hurt, disappointment, frustration
-This helps guard against disillusionment
-This gives us grit to fight and carry on when things are hard
-This also helps us battlement against discontentment.
3. The WONDERFUL Results of the Gospel Lead to Worship and Joy in God (31-39)
This is great conclusion of Romans 8 and all of Romans 1-8.
-How should a Christian respond to the wonder results of the Gospel? With triumphant hope and gladness in God.
4 “Who” Questions
-1. Who will separate us from God? (31-32)
-2. Who will bring a charge against God’s elect? (33)
-3. Who will condemn us? (34)
-4. Who will separate us from God’s love? (35-39)
1. A right understanding of the gospel will lead us into joy.
-What is the state of our soul? Are you finding yourself glad in God?
-If not, it may be that we are seeking to find our joy in the wrong things.
(My own experience: junk food joys; Lewis illustration ‘Mud Pies’)
-Or that we have forgotten all these wonderful reasons we have to experience joy in God.
-Part of the path to joy is drawing near to God and remembering who He is and what He has done
-We don’t have to work up a joy, but we behold God and ask Him for joy in Him.
-Have you never experienced this joy?
-It can be yours in Christ when you come to Him. Along with all the wonderful results of the gospel.