Writings on Christianity

God’s Grace to us in Ecclesiology (Titus 1:5)

1:5: God’s Grace to us in Ecclesiology Ecclesiology a theology of the church. What does the Bible teach about the church? What is the church? What is supposed to look like? Who leads it? All of these questions are matters of ecclesiology. In Titus 1:5 we see the pattern given in Scripture for the church […]

Writings on Christianity

Titus Sermon Series

TITUS SERMON SERIES Our church, Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville IL, just started a sermon series in the book of Titus. I’m looking forward to working through this letter and see how God uses it to shape, instruct, and encourage us. Here’s a link to the sermons: And Craig did a great job […]

Writings on Christianity

How Vast the Treasure We Possess (Watts)

How Vast the Treasure We Possess (Watts) Isaac Watts wrote a hymn called “How Vast the Treasure We Possess.” I think the lyrics are wonderful and really reorient our hearts and our thinking in biblical ways. We’re going to sing it at our church (Cross of Christ Fellowship here in Naperville). Here’s a version I […]

Writings on Christianity

Cross of Christ Fellowship May Newsletter 2018

Cross of Christ Fellowship May Newsletter 2018 As we strive to plant a gospel-centered church in downtown Naperville, we post monthly newsletters about what we have been up to. Here’s the latest newsletter if you missed it:

Writings on Christianity

FOUR-Fold Focus for Cross of Christ Fellowship in 2018

FOUR-fold FOCUS For Cross of Christ Fellowship in 2018 (The following is a document we sent out to the congregation to share about what we are praying and working toward together in 2018) A FOUR-FOLD FOCUS FOR CROSS OF CHRIST FELLOWSHIP IN 2018 Another year is before us and under way. Every day, and every […]

Writings on Christianity

Hark the Herald Angels Sing SERMON

Hark the Herald Angels Sing SERMON Here’s the manuscript of a message I preached on the text of ‘Hark the Herald Angels Sing’ at our Cookies & Carols service at Cross of Christ Fellowship in 2017: Cookies and Carols 2017 Message Before we continue singing, I wanted us to pause and take a few minutes […]

Writings on Christianity

December Church Plant Newsletter

December Church Plant Newsletter Here’s the latest newsletter for Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church plant here in Naperville IL.

Writings on Christianity

Advent Over Anxiety Sermon Series

Advent Over Anxiety Sermon Series We recently started a new sermon series at Cross of Christ Fellowship called ‘Advent Over Anxiety.’ I’m excited about this series. Over four weeks we’ll look at different aspects of the incarnation (God’s coming in the flesh) and how they minister to us in our anxiety. Here’s a link to […]

Writings on Christianity

My Experience of TEDx Naperville

My Experience of TEDx Naperville Last week I attended a TEDx conference in Naperville. It was my first time going, and I’m glad I went! If you’ve never heard of TEDx, it is a regional/local gathering of volunteers who host a conference in the same mindset and approach as TED talks—informative, engaging lectures and presentations […]

Writings on Christianity

Cross of Christ Fellowship: Sept 2017 Newsletter

Cross of Christ Fellowship: Sept 2017 Newsletter Here’s the latest newsletter for our church plant here in downtown Naperville: In it, there is a recap of our Naperville Mission week, info about our upcoming outdoor worship service, and some information about a new ministry for moms we are launching this month.