Psalm 96 Sermon Prep Part 4 (Continued work on Psalm 96 sermon prep for Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville) Here’s some questions I asked in looking at Psalm 96. What do this text say? This is a Psalm that leads us to worship God, tell us others about Him, and wait for Him and […]
Tag: church
Psalm 96 Sermon Prep Part 3 (Continued work on Psalm 96 sermon prep to preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship here in downtown Naperville) WAIT [11] Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice; let the sea roar, and all that fills it; [12] let the field exult, and everything in it! Then […]
Psalm 96 Sermon Prep (part 2) More of my sermon prep work on Psalm 96 for Cross of Christ Fellowship. TELL [7] Ascribe to the LORD, O families of the peoples, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength! [8] Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; bring an offering, and come into his […]
Psalm 96 Sermon Prep
Psalm 96 Sermon Prep (part 1) Here’s some of my thinking and prayers as I began working on Psalm 96 sermon prep. WORSHIP [1] Oh sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth! [2] Sing to the LORD, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day. […]
Evangelists’ Podcast Appearance One of my favorite podcasts is the ‘Evangelists Podcast,‘ hosted by a British evangelist named Glen Scrivener. This podcast always encourages me to share my faith with others and gives me practical steps. I had a great opportunity to serve with Glen on a mission week in Wootton, England this summer and […]
A SEASON in Galatians
A SEASON IN GALATIANS (Below is an approach to reading Galatians that our church Cross of Christ Fellowship here in Naperville will be attempting this year) Reading the Bible regularly and consistently is a vital spiritual discipline for Christians. It is here that we HEAR the voice of God, learn true truths (as Francis Schaeffer […]
CROSS OF CHRIST FELLOWSHIP NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER In case you missed, here our November Newsletter for Cross of Christ Fellowship: The newsletter discusses our event at the DuPage Children’s Museum, Church Planting with the Illinois Baptist State Association, and Cookies and Carols, and having church in Naperville.
Cross of Christ Fellowship Sept 2016 Newsletter Here’s our Sept 2016 Newsletter for Cross of Christ Fellowship: In it, you can read all about church planting in Naperville. This one includes info about our Last Fling Outreach, Ministry at North Central College, Meetup ministry, and some our continued needs.
Pursuing a Biblical Exegesis Degree from Wheaton College? Do THIS… A few years back I went to Wheaton College Graduate School and completed a Master’s Degree in Biblical Exegesis. (If you are considering whether or not to pursue this degree, here’s a post I wrote back in 2013 on my experience: ). Maybe you […]