Writings on Christianity

Do I REALLY Have the Holy Spirit if I Do Not Speak in Tongues?

Can I be confident that I actually have the Holy Spirit if do not speak in tongues? Did I really experience the ‘baptism of the Holy Spirit?’ Didn’t the Holy Spirit fill the Christians on the day of Pentecost and empower them to speak in tongues (Acts 2:4)? Shouldn’t we expect this today? Aren’t there […]

Writings on Christianity

Pentecost Acts 2:1-13 Sermon

Here’s the sermon notes for my “Pentecost” sermon on Acts 2:1-13, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville, IL. You can find the audio here. Acts 2:1-13 “The Day of Pentecost”Intro: Some events change your life (marriage, birth, injury, move); Some change the world (July 4, 1776, electricity, internet, smart phone).         -In today’s passage, […]