
Stephen’s Speech (Acts 7:1-53) SERMON OUTLINE

Here’s the sermon outline for my sermon on Acts 7:1-53 “Stephen’s Speech” preach in Naperville, IL at Cross of Christ Fellowship. Audio here. “Stephen’s SPEECH” Acts 7:1-53INTRO: The church has a mission: PREACH THE GOSPEL and make disciples for the glory of God.        -As the Gospel is preached, those called by God respond in saving […]

Writings on Christianity

Acts 6:8-15 Sermon Outline “Stephen’s SETUP”

Here’s the notes for my sermon on Acts 6:8-15 “Stephen’s SETUP” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. INTRO: A persistent myth we hear as Christians is this: if we faithfully follow Jesus, then we will avoid suffering.           -REALITY: Following Christ will not exempt us from suffering in this life, but lead us […]

Writings on Christianity

Do I REALLY Have the Holy Spirit if I Do Not Speak in Tongues?

Can I be confident that I actually have the Holy Spirit if do not speak in tongues? Did I really experience the ‘baptism of the Holy Spirit?’ Didn’t the Holy Spirit fill the Christians on the day of Pentecost and empower them to speak in tongues (Acts 2:4)? Shouldn’t we expect this today? Aren’t there […]

Writings on Christianity

The Acts of the Apostles Sermon

Here’s the notes for my sermon on Acts 1:1-5, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville.                                     Acts 1:1-5 “The Acts of the Apostles”What happened in the early years after Jesus’ resurrection and ascension into heaven? How did the church carry on after Jesus went to heaven?How did the church go from […]

Writings on Christianity

Jonah 2 Sermon

Here’s the outline for my sermon on Jonah 2, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship on 1/22/23. Audio can be found here. Jonah 2 “God’s Saving Mercy” (1/22/23)Intro: Imagine you live in an area where there are pools of quicksand.      -You’ve been given stern warns not to go to a certain path because of danger […]

Writings on Christianity

Jonah 1 Sermon Outline

Here’s my sermon notes from Jonah 1 “The Unexpected Mercy of God” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship on 1/15/23. The audio can be found here. Jonah 1 “The Unexpected Mercy of God” (1/15/23) Intro: I’m not sure what you think of when you hear about the book of Jonah. Most likely you think of […]

Writings on Christianity

Book of Romans Overview

Romans Wrap-Up: An Overview and Review of Paul’s Letter to the Church at Romeby Tom Schmidt Our church, Cross of Christ Fellowship, recently just completed a sermon series in the book of Romans. First sermon: 2/7/21 on Romans 1:1 (Midst of Covid; meeting at MMA Gym)Last sermon: 11/20/22 on Romans 16:25-27 (Post Covid; Back at […]

Writings on Christianity

Numbering Our Days PSALM 90 Sermon

Here’s the sermon notes for my sermon on Psalm 90 “Numbering Our Days” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. You can listen to the audio on our sermon page. “Numbering Our Days” (Psalm 90) 1/1/2023 INTRO: 2022 year is complete. 2023 is upon us.      -New resolutions, new plans, new hopes, new fears, new […]

Writings on Christianity

The WHY of the Incarnation

Here’s my outline for “The WHY of the Incarnation,” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship on 12/18/22. Phil 2:8 “The WHY of the Incarnation” Intro: 2 year-old persistently (and annoying) asking WHY?      -Sometimes asking why is helpful: Why car make that noise? Why are neighbors taking the trash out?                   -Some WHY questions changes us: […]

Writings on Christianity

The FACT of the Incarnation

Here’s my sermon notes for “The FACT of the Incarnation” (Phil 2:6-7) preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. You can listen to it here. Phil 2:5-7 “The FACT of the INCARNATION” Intro: Suppose a neighbor or co-worker asked you, ‘What do Christians believe about Christmas?’        -What’s the best text you can take them […]