Writings on Christianity

Death Defeated (Easter Sermon)

Here’s the notes from my Easter sermon “Death Defeated” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville, Il. Audio here. Luke 24:36-43 “Death Defeated” (Easter 2023 sermon) INTRO: Have you ever heard good news about something and struggled to believe, because it seemed too good to be true?        -A friend who thought she could not […]

Writings on Christianity

6 Reasons the Resurrection of Jesus Matters

There are lots of reasons the resurrection of Jesus is important. Here are SIX: 1. This is the GREAT SIGN that Jesus really is Son of God: Romans 1:4 2. This SIGN vindicates and validates all of Jesus’ ministry, including the promise he made in Matt 20:28. 3. Jesus’ resurrection is proof that we will […]