Writings on Christianity


Earlier in 2023 I preached a 3 part sermon series on the “Death of Death” (title inspired by John Owen). You can find the sermons on our church page and also here: DEATH OF DEATH PART 1 DEATH OF DEATH PART 2 DEATH OF DEATH PART 3

Writings on Christianity

Hope of Christ this CHRISTMAS

Here are the audio and notes from my sermon preached in Naperville at our Carol Service at Cross of Christ Fellowship. “Hope of Christ” (Matt 12:21, Isaiah 42:4)and in his name the Gentiles will hope.” Intro: TONIGHT, I want to speak to you as a Christian about the HOPE that Jesus Christ offers.-What gives you […]

Writings on Christianity

Acts 15 Sermon Outline

Here are the notes from my sermon preached on Acts 15 at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. Audio here. Acts 15 “Jerusalem Council”Intro: Friend becomes a Christian; Someone tells them they are not saved unless they follow all OT laws, imagine fear/insecurity      -This was the situation that faced the church in Acts 15: a […]

Writings on Christianity

College Ministry in Naperville

Are you a college student living in Naperville? Do you attend North Central College? Or know someone who meets these categories and would either like to learn more about how to become a Christian or be part of a local church walking distance from North Central College? The church I pastor, Cross of Christ Fellowship […]

Writings on Christianity

Acts 9:19-31 Sermon (“Saul’s Initial Ministry”)

Here are the notes for my sermon on Acts 9:19-31 “Saul’s Initial Ministry” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville, Illinois.                                                         “Saul’s Initial Ministry” Acts 9:19b-31 INTRO: Are there things in your life, you cannot do own your own—things you need help with?-Car Issue, Plumbing, Electrical, Finances, Baking.   -Me: […]

Writings on Christianity

Stepehen’s Death (Acts 7:53-8:3 SERMON OUTLINE)

Here’s the sermon notes for my sermon on Acts 7:53-8:3, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. Audio here. Stephen’s Death (Acts 7:54-8:3) INTRO: Sometimes faithfully following Jesus will result in dying a bloody, painful death        -11 of 12 apostles, martyrs through the ages,                    -Jim Elliott and friends in South America, today in […]


Stephen’s Speech (Acts 7:1-53) SERMON OUTLINE

Here’s the sermon outline for my sermon on Acts 7:1-53 “Stephen’s Speech” preach in Naperville, IL at Cross of Christ Fellowship. Audio here. “Stephen’s SPEECH” Acts 7:1-53INTRO: The church has a mission: PREACH THE GOSPEL and make disciples for the glory of God.        -As the Gospel is preached, those called by God respond in saving […]

Writings on Christianity

PROBLEM of Death & PLAN of God to OVERCOME it

I’m preaching a short 3 part series on the “Death of Death” (title inspired by John Owen!) at Cross of Christ Fellowship. Here’s the notes for my first sermon “Problem of Death and PLAN of God.” DEATH OF DEATH SERMON 1: The PROBLEM OF DEATH & PLAN TO OVERCOME IT. Intro: Everyone of us faces […]

Writings on Christianity

Easter Egg Hunt Naperville 2023

Our church, Cross of Christ Fellowship, is hosting an Easter Egg Hunt in downtown Naperville on Easter Sunday, April 9 at 9:30. It is free and all are welcome. All are also welcome to join us for our worship service after, which starts at 10. To learn more, go to our website:

Writings on Christianity

Pentecost Acts 2:1-13 Sermon

Here’s the sermon notes for my “Pentecost” sermon on Acts 2:1-13, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville, IL. You can find the audio here. Acts 2:1-13 “The Day of Pentecost”Intro: Some events change your life (marriage, birth, injury, move); Some change the world (July 4, 1776, electricity, internet, smart phone).         -In today’s passage, […]