16 Highlights from 2016 Church Planting in Naperville. Here’s 16 Highlights from 2016 as we plant Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. 16 HIGHLIGHTS FROM 2016 1. Cross of Christ Fellowship was officially sent out by Redeemer Fellowship in March 2. We hosted our first public worship service at the Dupage Children’s Museum in downtown […]
Tag: cross of christ fellowship
COOKIES & CAROLS I’m really excited about Cookies & Carols event in downtown Naperville on December 17 at the DuPage Children’s Museum. This event was a lot of fun last year and was a great opportunity for us to connect with members of the community, sing Christmas songs, and consider the story of Christmas afresh. […]
CROSS OF CHRIST FELLOWSHIP NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER In case you missed, here our November Newsletter for Cross of Christ Fellowship: http://eepurl.com/coDL9T The newsletter discusses our event at the DuPage Children’s Museum, Church Planting with the Illinois Baptist State Association, and Cookies and Carols, and having church in Naperville.
Cross of Christ Fellowship Sept 2016 Newsletter Here’s our Sept 2016 Newsletter for Cross of Christ Fellowship: http://eepurl.com/cgUQk9 In it, you can read all about church planting in Naperville. This one includes info about our Last Fling Outreach, Ministry at North Central College, Meetup ministry, and some our continued needs.
Pursuing a Biblical Exegesis Degree from Wheaton College? Do THIS… A few years back I went to Wheaton College Graduate School and completed a Master’s Degree in Biblical Exegesis. (If you are considering whether or not to pursue this degree, here’s a post I wrote back in 2013 on my experience: http://www.ttschmidt.com/blog/wheaton-college-ma-biblical-exegesis-degree ). Maybe you […]
Southern Baptist Church in Naperville Cross of Christ Fellowship is a Southern Baptist church in downtown Naperville. This is one way we talk about our church plant, and lately I’ve been reflecting how thankful I am that we are Southern Baptist. If you are a Southern Baptist church, then you are part of a family […]
Church in Downtown Naperville Our church, Cross of Christ Fellowship, worships in downtown Naperville. We host our worship services at 9:30 on Sunday mornings in the DuPage Children’s Museum, which is at 301 N Washington St. Naperville. This requires lots of serving: we have a team of individuals that show up early each Sunday morning […]
Church at the DuPage Children’s Museum in Naperville Since Easter of this year (2016), our church plant (Cross of Christ Fellowship) has been hosting public worship services at a space we rent in the DuPage Children’s Museum in downtown Naperville. What’s it been like? Why rent space to meet and host worship services at a […]
Putting on the Ways of the New Creation (Col 3:12-17) One imagery the Bible uses to speak of becoming a Christian is being raised from death to life. We once were dead in our sins, without spiritual life and estranged from God. But Jesus came and killed death by dying on the cross for our […]
From Church Planting Assessment to Launching I made a video recently showing the process of church planting assessment to launching Cross of Christ Fellowship. You can watch it here: [youtube height=”HEIGHT” width=”WIDTH”]PLACE_LINK_HERE[/youtube] God has been so kind to us! We went through the Acts 29 Network Assessment back in 2014 and trusted God to provide […]