Writings on Christianity

The Life of a Christian is a Life of Faith

Hebrews 11 makes it clear that a Christian is a person marked by faith. Faith is exercised as we begin to follow of Jesus and it is exercised as we live our life trusting God and walking in His ways. This is such a basic fact of Christianity, but I find it surprisingly easy to […]

Writings on Christianity

Dick Lucas on 3 Qualities of a Leader God Uses

In a sermon based on the life of Joseph (Gen 37-50), Dick Lucas gives 3 qualities of a leader that God uses. We see these as three things that God develops about in Joseph as He uses him to save Israel. 1. Patience Joseph had to learn patience. Although God revealed to him in a […]

Writings on Christianity

Costly to Follow Jesus, Even in the Suburbs

It is Costly to Follow Jesus, Even in the Suburbs. Jesus said, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” (Matt 16:24). For 11 of the 12 disciples this meant a martyrs’ death (for 3 of them literally died on crosses). For many Christians throughout […]

Writings on Christianity

One Reason Physicalism Is False

“Physicalism” is the worldview that all of reality is composed merely of matter and energy. Those I’ve met who hold this view seem to desire to know the truth about reality and appear persuaded that this is how reality actually is. They tend to place a high value on scientific investigation and the possibilities that […]

Writings on Christianity

How Did Christ Understand Spirituality?

Here are the notes from our “Curious about Christ” outreach on SPIRITUALITY. CURIOUS ABOUT CHRIST WEEK 4: HOW DID CHRIST UNDERSTAND SPIRITUALITY? A Christ-informed SPIRITUALITY is a relationship with the Living God who is there and can be known and loved. It is a spirituality that is rooted in truth, made possible by Christ, and […]

Writings on Christianity

FORGIVENESS and Worldview

How does your worldview (your overall understanding of reality) shape how you approach the notion of forgiveness? As I grapple with the concept, I would argue that how we approach FORGIVENESS shows that we assume some kind of objective morality (moral standards that are real, not arbitrarily invented by evolved apes or merely the preferences […]

Writings on Christianity


Our hearts feast daily. We find things to savor and enjoy and consume. We can’t help it, we were made this way. We are worshipping creatures made to worship the Living God. Jesus saves us to feast on God in our hearts. He is the bread of life that came down from heaven (John 6:35, […]

Writings on Christianity

A 3-Fold Prayer: REnew, REvive, & REorder

Recently I’ve been using a threefold prayer to help me in my prayer life. I think it’s pretty simple, but also really helpful. It is this, “Lord please REnew my mind, REvive my heart, and REorder my life.” This threefold prayer can be used as you pray over nearly any Scripture passage. Let’s consider it […]

Writings on Christianity

In Tenderness Chord Chart

Our church in Naperville, Cross of Christ Fellowship, has recently started singing the hymn “In Tenderness” (the modern version of it!). The key was too high for us, so I made in the key of F which is more singable. You can find it here.

Writings on Christianity

How Does Christ Bring Meaning to Our Lives?

Here’s the 3rd week in our “Curious about Christ” outreach, that our church in Naperville (Cross of Christ Fellowship) is hosting. Curious about Christ Week 3: How Does Christ Bring MEANING to our Lives? Introductory Thoughts:1. Why do we value having meaning or purpose to our lives? 2. Is there is a right or wrong […]